請勾選 |
資料庫 |
檢索代號 |
資料頻率 |
中英文名稱 |
起始時間 |
| | | | 營業收入 Operating revenue | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@4000.a |
年資料 |
營業收入合計 Total operating revenue |
2013 |
| | | | 營業成本 Operating costs | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@5000.a |
年資料 |
營業成本合計 Total operating costs |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@5900.a |
年資料 |
營業毛利(毛損) Gross profit (loss) from operations |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@5910.a |
年資料 |
未實現銷貨(損)益 Unrealized profit (loss) from sales |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@5920.a |
年資料 |
已實現銷貨(損)益 Realized profit (loss) on from sales |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@5950.a |
年資料 |
營業毛利(毛損)淨額 Gross profit (loss) from operations |
2013 |
| | | | 營業費用 Operating expenses | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@6100.a |
年資料 |
推銷費用 Selling expenses |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@6200.a |
年資料 |
管理費用 Administrative expenses |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@6300.a |
年資料 |
研究發展費用 Research and development expenses |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@6450.a |
年資料 |
預期信用減損損失(利益) Impairment loss (impairment gain and reversal of impairment loss) determined in accordance with IFRS 9 |
2018 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@6000.a |
年資料 |
營業費用合計 Total operating expense |
2013 |
| | | | 其他收益及費損淨額 Net other income (expenses) | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@6500.a |
年資料 |
其他收益及費損淨額 Net other income (expenses) |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@6900.a |
年資料 |
營業利益(損失) Net operating income (loss) |
2013 |
| | | | 營業外收入及支出 Non-operating income and expenses | | | | | | 利息收入 Interest income | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@7100.a |
年資料 |
利息收入合計 Total interest income |
2020 |
| | | | 其他收入 Other income | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@7010.a |
年資料 |
其他收入合計 Total other income |
2013 |
| | | | 其他利益及損失 Other gains and losses | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@7020.a |
年資料 |
其他利益及損失淨額 Other gains and losses, net |
2013 |
| | | | 財務成本 Finance costs | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@7050.a |
年資料 |
財務成本淨額 Finance costs, net |
2013 |
| | | | 採用權益法認列之關聯企業及合資損益之份額 Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@7060.a |
年資料 |
採用權益法認列之關聯企業及合資損益之份額淨額 Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method, net |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@7000.a |
年資料 |
營業外收入及支出合計 Total non-operating income and expenses |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@7900.a |
年資料 |
繼續營業單位稅前淨利(淨損) Profit (loss) from continuing operations before tax |
2013 |
| | | | 所得稅費用(利益) Tax expense (income) | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@7950.a |
年資料 |
所得稅費用(利益)合計 Total tax expense (income) |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8000.a |
年資料 |
繼續營業單位本期淨利(淨損) Profit (loss) from continuing operations |
2013 |
| | | | 停業單位損益 Profit (loss) from discontinued operations | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8100.a |
年資料 |
停業單位損益合計 Total profit (loss) from discontinued operations |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8200.a |
年資料 |
本期淨利(淨損) Profit (loss) |
2013 |
| | | | 其他綜合損益(淨額) Other comprehensive income | | | | | | 不重分類至損益之項目 Components of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8311.a |
年資料 |
確定福利計畫之再衡量數 Gains (losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans |
2015 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8349.a |
年資料 |
與不重分類之項目相關之所得稅 Income tax related to components of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
2015 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8310.a |
年資料 |
不重分類至損益之項目總額 Components of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
2013 |
| | | | 後續可能重分類至損益之項目 Components of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8361.a |
年資料 |
國外營運機構財務報表換算之兌換差額 Exchange differences on translation |
2015 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8370.a |
年資料 |
採用權益法認列之關聯企業及合資之其他綜合損益之份額-可能重分類至損益之項目 Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method, components of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8399.a |
年資料 |
與可能重分類之項目相關之所得稅 Income tax related to components of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8360.a |
年資料 |
後續可能重分類至損益之項目總額 Components of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8300.a |
年資料 |
其他綜合損益(淨額) Total other comprehensive income |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8500.a |
年資料 |
本期綜合損益總額 Total comprehensive income |
2013 |
| | | | 淨利(損)歸屬於: Profit (loss), attributable to: | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8610.a |
年資料 |
母公司業主(淨利∕損) Profit (loss), attributable to owners of parent |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8620.a |
年資料 |
非控制權益(淨利∕損) Profit (loss), attributable to non-controlling interests |
2013 |
| | | | 綜合損益總額歸屬於: Comprehensive income attributable to: | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8710.a |
年資料 |
母公司業主(綜合損益) Comprehensive income, attributable to owners of parent |
2013 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@8720.a |
年資料 |
非控制權益(綜合損益) Comprehensive income, attributable to non-controlling interests |
2013 |
| | | | 基本每股盈餘 Basic earnings per share | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@9710.a |
年資料 |
繼續營業單位淨利(淨損) Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations |
2014 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@9750.a |
年資料 |
基本每股盈餘合計 Total primary earnings per share |
2013 |
| | | | 稀釋每股盈餘 Diluted earnings per share | |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@9810.a |
年資料 |
繼續營業單位淨利(淨損) Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations |
2014 |
COMP.bnk |
I1809@9850.a |
年資料 |
稀釋每股盈餘合計 Total diluted earnings per share |
2014 |